
Market-leading Blockchain Technology Company

ConsenSys is the software engineering leader of the blockchain space. ConsenSys' full-stack Ethereum products help developers build next-generation networks and enable enterprises to launch more powerful financial infrastructure. ConsenSys' product suite, composed of Infura, Quorum, Codefi, Metamask, and Diligence, serves millions of users, supports billions of blockchain-based queries for our clients, and has handled billions of dollars in digital assets. Ethereum is the largest programmable blockchain in the world, leading in business adoption, developer community, and DeFi activity. On this trusted, open-source foundation, we are building the digital economy of tomorrow.

Blockchain Solutions for Asset Management: With Ethereum-based tokens, you can digitize traditional securities and create new financial instruments. ConsenSys helps you easily integrate blockchain technology so you can seamlessly issue customizable assets and streamline compliance, onboarding, lifecycle management, asset servicing, and distribution.

Blockchain Solutions for Institutional Capital Markets: Blockchain technology is ushering in a new era of operational efficiency for capital markets. The ConsenSys product suite helps financial institutions adopt digital assets and capitalize on these transformative new solutions for the financial industry.

Blockchain Solutions for Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Millions of people across the globe are using the Ethereum blockchain to build and participate in a new economic system that is powered by code and setting new standards for financial access, opportunity, and trust.

Blockchain Solutions for Global Trade and Commerce: Major trading companies around the world are recognizing the transformative impact of Ethereum blockchain technology in operating global supply chains, managing trade finance, and unlocking new business models.

Blockchain Solutions for Payments and Money: Blockchain technology enables entirely new ways of managing money and facilitating payments with ease. From remittances to microloans and more, blockchain technology is ushering in a more efficient and secure global payment infrastructure.

From developer tools to enterprise solutions, ConsenSys is building Ethereum blockchain infrastructure and applications for new economic systems that are more open, efficient, and secure. Cyber Capital HQ is proud to partner with ConsenSys in its mission to building applications and infrastructure that will enable a more decentralized future.