Illusive Networks

illusive networks is a cybersecurity company at the forefront of deception technology, the most effective protection against Advanced Attacks. illusive creates an alternate reality, transparently woven into your existing network. Attackers led into this reality will be instantly identified beyond all doubt, triggering a high-fidelity alert you can act upon.

To beat an attacker, you need to think like an attacker. IT looks at the network as a hierarchical map of connections. Attackers, however, see a completely different picture. Illusive Attacker View lets security professionals see their network from the attacker’s point of view.

Illusive networks develops three core products:

1. Attack Surface Manager: Automated cyber hygiene that preempts & deters malicious lateral movement by discovering and eliminating network violations, rogue credentials & connections, and cyberattack pathways to crown jewels.

2. Attack Detection System: Agentless, intelligence-driven deception technology that mimics the real data, credentials, and connections attackers seek and instantly warns of adversarial breaches at their inception.

3. Attack Intelligence System: Compiles rich, precise, and real-time forensic data for security teams through high-interaction decoys to rapidly analyze and effectively respond to incidents.